What's So Special About Our Boys?
1. Our Boys are Well-cared-For, Beloved Pets
We do not have a kennel. Our studs are all house pets and live a normal pet life with social outings, appropriate training, etc. Some live with us personally, others in guardian homes, but all have spent significant time with our family, other dogs, kids, cats, and chickens so we can tell you a lot about their individual personalities! Kid-friendly, non-aggressive temperaments are VERY important to us. It's the whole reason we started breeding in the first place! Don't take our word for it. We allow prospective customers to meet our boys beforehand. Not to mention, several of them are CGC titled and therapy dog certified and working towards other temperament related titles!
2. We have Experience
You can count on us to get your girl bred! This isn't our first rodeo. Our boys have collectively produced 40+ litters. We have prior experience with live cover, shipped semen, and side by side artificial insemination. We have bred girls of various sizes and are ready to assist you with the breeding process and answer any questions you might have!
3. We are here to help

We want to help and support likeminded breeders. We have our own breeding and training program so we are also able to answer most breeding related questions from whelping to marketing to dog training!
We can also help when it comes to color genetics. If you know your girl's color panel, we can tell you exactly what she is able to produce with our boys, or what to look for in another stud.
We also offer a whelping service if you want additional hands-on assistance during the delivery process.
4. We have a Pregnancy Guarantee

We offer a partial (75%) refund OR a free rebreeding if your girl does not end up pregnant after a stud service. You can read more and find our contract HERE.